Oracle 11g Jdbc Driver 10g

The installation wizard creates an Oracle JDBC provider that uses the Oracle 10g JDBC driver ojdbc14.jar. This JDBC driver can be used for connecting to both Oracle.

oracle 11g jdbc driver 10g

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oracle 11g jdbc driver 10g oracle 11g jdbc driver 10g

Problem Abstract

The installation wizard creates an Oracle JDBC provider that uses the Oracle 10g JDBC driver ojdbc14.jar. This JDBC driver can be used for connecting to both Oracle 10g and Oracle 11g. However, you might want to use the Oracle 11g JDBC driver ojdbc5.jar for connecting to Oracle 11g if you find issues with the Oracle 10g JDBC driver, or if your organization has standardized on the Oracle 11g JDBC driver. Symptom

When using the Oracle OCI driver with either the Oracle 10g or Oracle 11g JDBC driver, you might have problems when starting the product. You might see errors similar to the following from WebSphere Business Monitor :

11/11/08 :7 EST 0000003b WSRdbXaResour E DSRA0304E: XAException occurred. XAException contents and details are:

The XA Error is : -3

The XA Error message is : A resource manager error has occured in the transaction branch.

The Oracle Error code is : 1024

The Oracle Error message is: Internal XA Error

The cause is : null.

11/11/08 :7 EST 0000003b WSRdbXaResour E DSRA0302E: XAException occurred. Error code is: XAER_RMERR -3. Exception is:

11/11/08 :7 EST 0000003b XATransaction E J2CA0027E: An exception occurred while invoking start on an XA Resource Adapter from dataSource jdbc/wbm/MonitorDatabase Cause

WebSphere Application Server creates Oracle JDBC providers using the Oracle 10g JDBC driver ojdbc14.jar. In the administrative console, the wizard for creating new data sources does not allow you to change the name of the Oracle. jar file. For example, you cannot change the entry from ojdbc14.jar to ojdbc5.jar.

When using the Oracle OCI driver, you will receive the errors above if there is an incompatibility between the Oracle Instant Client JDBC driver ojdbc14.jar and the full Oracle installation libraries.

Resolving the problem

To use the Oracle 11g JDBC driver ojdbc5.jar, see:

Data source minimum required settings for Oracle

To resolve the errors above when using the Oracle OCI driver, you must ensure that the WebSphere Application Server JDBC Provider classpath and the native library path are in sync. To do so, complete the following steps:

In the administrative console, open Resources JDBC JDBC Providers.

For the class path, specify the directory containing the ojdbc14.jar. For example, WBM_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH /ojdbc14.jar

This path is valid for both the thin client and the OCI client.

For the native library path:

For Windows, specify the directory containing the. dll files. For example, ORACLE_HOME/bin For UNIX or Linux, specify the directory containing the. so files. For example, ORACLE_HOME/lib

The native library path is only required for the OCI client. ORACLE_HOME is not a WebSphere variable, but can be added as one.

If ojdbc14.jar came from an Oracle installation, the native library path should point to ORACLE_HOME/bin Windows or ORACLE_HOME/lib UNIX.

If ojdbc14.jar came from the Oracle Instant Client, the native library path should point to the Oracle Instant Client directory.

If the native library path is not filled in, WebSphere Application Server will use the operating system s path, which might result in a conflict if you are using the OCI client.

For more information, see:

Creating a data source that uses the Oracle JDBC Driver for OCI


Data access problems - Oracle data source.

The Oracle JDBC development team would like to hear your experience and expectation; JDBC Driver Downloads - 11g. Older JDBC Driver Downloads - 10g.

To use the Oracle 11g JDBC driver ojdbc5.jar, see: Data source minimum required settings for Oracle To resolve the errors above when using the Oracle OCI driver.


oracle 11g jdbc driver 10g

Oracle released a new JDBC driver for Oracle Database 12c including a Here, we ve been using Oracle 10g database with ojdbc6 for Oracle 11g without any.

Mar 10, 2015  Download jdbc drivers for oracle 10g. All you need is the Oracle JDBC driver JAR file. at the Oracle 10g download site I gave up 10g, 11g. Share.

oracle 11g jdbc driver 10g

Oracle 10g and 11g JDBC drivers